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Showing posts from August, 2019


I first learned to read when i was in first grade, I was around 4 years old. I LOVED it. I would want to read all the time. My favorite part of school was being able to go to the library and choose a new book. I wanted to read all the time. I wish I was still like that. I still like reading but now I just cant find a book that I really like. If I don't like the book that I got I will not read it. I need something to grab my attention.


This class is about learning new strategies to do things. Like to read to talk to express opinions. The easiest part of this class is listening to Dr. Prestons stories. The hardest part of this class to me is probably catching up. Although it is very easy for me to be caught up I'm very behind and I hate it. I've learned that I could read really fast. My big questions is if I do all my blogs, can I still get a good grade although they're late?


The author uses diction by saying things like "damn kids" or "they're all alike". Also things like what happens in a persons world to become a hacker. Things that the author has gone through to become what he became. The authors tone is fairly odd. He has a negative perspective towards peoples actions and just on life itself. He refers to himself as a "criminal".
Today I Asked a Question Today Dr. Preston said that as students grow they stop raising their hand to get called on. And it's true. The last time I was waving my hand trying so hard to get called on was in like 5th grade. I feel like in elementary I had so much more confidence and everything was so much more easier. Now I'm scared to raise my hand because everything is so much more difficult and I most likely don't know the answer.  I also asked a question. My question was on why is it that men have the power to decide on what a women can't or can do with her body. I get mad when someone over powers women because women are the most powerful hands down. I'm not saying i'm powerful but I think that all of the women that I have in my life, all of those ladies that have been through it all, the ones that have given birth are the most powerful. They don't deserve this what so ever.
A Socratic Seminar Socratic seminars are pretty important for students to get a better understanding of what some people are confused on or whatever they would like to share out loud. I guess I found out that the earth is flat which is pretty interesting. I also learned about "loco parentis" if that's how it's spelled. It's Latin for "in place of a parent" refers to the legal responsibility of a person or organization to take on some of the functions and responsibilities of a parent.