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Showing posts from September, 2019


I think he wrote it to show how scary someone's imagination can be. Some people think so really crazy things. I think Stephen King was really affected by it because even though it was his imagination he made it seem so real.The power of our imaginations are strong. People imagine so many things. It's scary to think that people have terrifying imaginations.


1. The purpose of this story is to show that one thing can really change someone's perspective on life. 2. Faith's name does not fit her, since brown thinks the devil has taken her, his faith is gone in a religious perspective. 3. His lost faith. 4. I think it was all a dream and his imagination. He even said he woke up without knowing if it was real or fake. 5. I think the old man is a representation of Brown. Brown says that the old man bears a physical resemblance to him. 6. The staff represents the thing that made Brown lose faith in his wife. 7. His life would be completely different. He doesn't just lose faith in his wife but also all of humanity. He would still have faith if he would've stayed home. Yes he would.


The book I've recently finished is "A Bend in a Road" by Nicholas Sparks and I'm going to talk about the characterization. There are many character but there's 4 characters that really grab your attention. there Miles Ryan, Jonah Ryan, Sarah Andrews and Brian Andrews. Miles is a widow and single father. He is very sad from his wife's passing. No matter how happy he is his wife's death is s burden he always had. Jonah is Miles son, I think he's like 8 years old. Ever since his mom passed he has been having a lot of trouble in school. He's also been having nightmares ever since his mom died. Mile has had to carry him into the porch every time he had a nightmare to help him calm down. Sarah is Jonah's teacher. And Miles girlfriend. Sarah is recently divorced. Her ex husband left her when they found out that Sarah could not have kids. She was heartbroken but Miles made her feel like she was on top of the world. Brian is Sarah's brother. He kill


One thing I think I've done good in this course is probably the daily journals. I try to write interesting stories for my journals. Especially because we're going to write journals everyday might as well make them your best ones. Also maybe just listening to how Dr. Preston is feeling.


My dominant allocations are paying attention and getting work done. I try so hard to concentrate in the classes i need help in, like math. I push myself. My habits support my goals because I always make sure to finish my work. I always do my bed which helps me stay organized. I Always try to meditate so i have a clear mind.


With the 60 seconds that we had to breath and think this morning, I thought about what I was going to do when I got home. I have planned to wash right when I get home so I could have some free time after to study for my math tests and do homework. Sadly I won't be able to take a nap today.


Today i am writing this with the intention of being understood. I don't want to waste my time writing this if the reader isn't going to understand one bit.So I'll make sure you'll understand. I want to write about a book that I'm reading. It's called "A Bend in the Road" by Nicholas Sparks. So far i have the understanding that there's a man named Micheal Ryan. And his wife recently passed away and they have a son together, Jonah. Micheal is a county sheriff. He has been hesitating on whether or not he should try to find love again. After his wife passed away he always felt the burden of not being capable of trying to fall in love again because he feels like he's betraying his wife. Jonah, his son has been having trouble at school. He is having trouble with everything, reading, writing, and math. His teacher Sarah Andrews has been trying to help Jonah. She set a meeting with Micheal. So he could get a understanding of how much his son is having


Essays have always came easy to me, I'm not sure if I even did right but once I start writing ideas just keep coming up and cant stop. I don't really like writing but it's not the worst thing. I think writing for long periods of time especially on boring topics is extremely boring, so when it comes to writing I like to do interesting topics.