"The Pedestrian" is a short story written by Ray Bradbury. This short story is an experience that Mr. Leonard went through. Leonard loves to walk through the streets of his neighborhood. He sometimes just walks non stop and doesn't get back home until midnight. One particular evening he decided to begin his journey in a westerly direction toward the hidden sea. Then he explains how the weather is like good crystal frost and how it made his lungs blaze like a Christmas tree inside of him. I'm assuming it was cold out. He would pass by houses and talk to them.Or he whispered I must say. He also explains that out of all the years he's been walking through the streets he's never seen anyone else walk through them. He was a block away from his destination until a car went up to him flashing a fierce white cone of light upon him. It was a police officer and he started shouting "Stand still. Stay where you are! Don't move!. Leonard was really confused. The police continued shouting "Put up your hands or I'll shoot!. Leonard still very confused because he hasn't done anything. Leonard thinks to his himself that this is a rare incredible thing, in a city of 3 million people there was only 1 police car left. Ever since election year in 2052 the force had been cut down from 3 police cars to 1. That was because crime was ebbing, there was no need for the police. The police officer continues. "What's your name?". Leonard answers. "Whats's your business or profession?". Leonard says that he could be called a writer.. Leonard hasn't written in years, his magazines and books didn't sell anymore. The officer continues to ask questions. He also makes really dumb assumptions, asking questions that he shouldn't have asked. The questions then stopped and Leonard then asked if they were done, the officer said they were. The officer then proceeds to demand Leonard to get in the back of the car. He listens and gets in. While he's in the car he explains the smell of the car. "It smelled of riveted steel", "It smelled of harsh antiseptic", "It smelled too clean and hard and metallic". The officer shut the door. The car rolled through the night. They passed Leonard's house and he comments to the officer that that's his house. No one answered him and the car continued. I believe this officer was bored, decided to target a random guy on the street and arrest him because of the way he answered back. An unfair situation that many people have been through.
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